Two Minute Tuesdays - Table Top Tripods. Photo of a smart phone attached to a gorilla tripod twisted around a fence railing taking a photo at night

Two Minute Tuesday – Table Top Tripods

In this Two Minute Tuesday video, Welshot’s very own BossTog, Eifion Williams, showcases three different types of table top tripods that could help you with your photography.

If you want to get great advise on choosing the perfect tripod for you and your photography – Welshot recommends WEX Photo Video Leeds.

Whether you love tripods or you hate them, sometimes they are a MUST for your photography – Let us know in the comments below, how often do YOU use a tripod for your photography?

If you would like to know more about how Welshot can help YOU learn how to use your camera from the comfort of your own home – Check out Welshot Online

Two Minute Tuesdays - The Difference Between Pro vs Standard Lenses

In this Two Minute Tuesday’s video, Welshot’s very own BossTog explains the difference between pro lenses and standard (kit) lenses and the benefits of both.

If you would like to know more about how Welshot can help YOU learn how to use your camera from the comfort of your own home – Check out Welshot Online

Letterbox photos of a girls eyes with dramatic makeup this image was created as part of a Welshot Editing and Post Processing for Photographers Online course

How can I learn Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom and Affinity online at home? That is one of the most asked questions we are asked at the Welshot Photographic Academy and that’s why we created our editing and post processing for photographers online zoom workshops and courses. Like our IRL (in real life, in person) post processing and editing workshops – these sessions are run a little bit differently to that of other courses which are available. At Welshot, we believe in interaction, inclusivity and involvement – so we always encourage our Members to take part, ask questions and learn what THEY need to learn. At these sessions, delegates submit images they’d like help, advice, guidance and support with and John works on them in real time, showing and explaining as he goes along. Our Welshot Members have really benefitted from learning like this. Here is what just two Members have had to say…

Man walking along a bridge into a sun kissed forest area with a camera in his hand showing how photography can help with anxiety

How photography can help with anxiety, that was something I thought about often. If there was ever a time I was going to struggle with anxiety then the last 16 months was that time – I knew from the moment we took the decision to completely lockdown and go into self-isolation that I was going to have to create a structure and a focus in order to get through this unprecedented time in our lives. I knew if I was struggling then others would be too and I was determined to show how photography can help with anxiety…