
What does “Building a Portfolio” and “Continued Professional Development” mean to you? To us, at Welshot, “Building a Portfolio” means creating a body of work, whether printed, or in digital format, of the photographs you make, no matter the genre of photography.

Female Model showing eyes only on an orange backdrop

t, guidance and a “Let’s try it and see what happens” attitude is always included at Welshot

When I’m (Lee) sitting at my desk and Eif is working in the Creative Hub with someone on a 1:1 or in a small group I always hear a certain conversation…

“Eif, I have an idea of an image I’d like to try and replicate/recreate – could you show me how please”

The answer is ALWAYS the same…

“Of course we can – this is your time to experiment, learn and play with your camera settings and lighting techniques”