
Two Minute Tuesday – P.A.S.M Camera Modes


Eifion Williams



How To..., Welshot TV

Two Minute Tuesday – P.A.S.M Camera Modes

Whether you have a compact camera, a mirrorless camera, a DSLR or even a smartphone, if it has manual controls, then you will need to understand the different modes available to you which are often referred to P.A.S.M. 

Maybe you’ve wondered what the P.A.S. or M stands for on your own camera, then this this Two Minute Tuesday video is for you. Welshot’s very own BossTog, Eifion Williams, helps you to understand the P.A.S.M camera modes and what they are used for, including shutter priority, aperture priority.

What is your ‘Go To’ camera setting or favourite camera function/feature? Let us know in the comments below, we would love to know

If you would like to know more about how Welshot can help YOU learn how to use your camera from the comfort of your own home – Check out Welshot Online

  1. Sarah Horrocks avatar
    Sarah Horrocks

    Brilliant Eifion. Simple explanation. I tend to predominantly use A but learning to use M more especially now i have been experimenting with both flash photography and also learning to use filters . Lots of trial and error! Thank you

    1. Lee Iggulden avatar

      Hello Sarah

      Isn’t it a really good feeling when you get to know your camera properly and what it can do. It gives you choices and opportunities to experiment and try new things – also, being digital it doesn’t cost like it would if you were using film. Well done you :)

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