Photo of two otters playing at the Martin Mere WWT in Burscough Ormskirk England

Wildlife & Bird Photography at the Martin Mere WWT – What could be better than walking around the bustling wetlands with your camera photographing the birds and wildlife during the Summer Months. Our third wildlife and bird photography workshop this year is designed to help you get exploring the Martin Mere wetland paradise. This Welshot photographic workshop will have you making and creating some stunning images in the peaceful reedbeds, home to bearded tits and Cetti’s Warblers and Marsh Harriers in flight. Let’s not forget those graceful Flamingos and the cheeky Otters either. Learn how to capture movement, capture birds and wildfowl being fed at this wonderful wetland area based in Burscough, near Ormskirk.

Photo of a flock of pink Flamingos taken at the Wildlife & Bird Photography Workshop at Martin Mere WWT – Spring Mini Module with Masterclass with Welshot Photographic Academy

Wildlife & Bird Photography at the Martin Mere WWT – What could be better than walking around the bustling wetlands with your camera photographing the birds and wildlife who are overwintering as well as capturing the new Spring birds too. Our first Wildlife and Bird Photography course is designed to help you get exploring the Martin Mere wetland paradise. This Welshot photographic workshop will have you making and creating some stunning images in the peaceful reedbeds, home to bearded tits and cetti’s warblers and marsh harriers in flight. Let’s not forget those graceful Flamingos and the cheeky Otters either. Learn how to capture movement, capture birds and wildfowl being fed at this wonderful wetland area based in Burscough, near Ormskirk.

Wildlife Photography at Martin Mere WWT - Photo of a Wildfowl / Duck taken at a Welshot Photographic Academy Mini Module

Wildlife photography at the Martin Mere WWT – What could be better than walking around the bustling wetlands with your camera photographing the birds who are overwintering. Our first Welshot Mini-Module with Masterclass of 2022 is designed to help you get out and about, beat those Winter blues and exploring the Martin Mere wetland paradise. This Welshot photographic workshop will have you making and creating some stunning images in the peaceful reedbeds, home to bearded tits and cetti’s warblers and marsh harriers in flight. Learn how to capture movement, capture birds and wildfowl being fed to the famous pink flamingos of this wonderful wetland area based in Burscough, near Ormskirk.