“Friday Night is Studio Night” and this Welshot portfolio building session coincides with Valentine’s day – so we’re excited to announce that Natasha Groves, who will be joining us at the Creative Hub in Llandudno this month, has jumped at the chance to have a themed “Valentines” shoot this evening.  Natasha is a full-time, professional model specialising in fitness,  fashion, commercial and beauty.  Natasha’s wardrobe is diverse, encompassing styles ranging from casual and sporty, all the way to high fashion and she is comfortable wearing a variety of styles.  Natasha is open to experimenting with the style preferences of our Welshot delegates. Natasha is able to able to shoot without direction but will always welcome creative input from others.  Based in North London, this is a rare opportunity to shoot with Natasha as she rarely visits North Wales.

Build Your Portfolio Day with Hannah Lou Dimmock – Portrait Photography at the Welshot Creative Hub. Welcome to the first portfolio building day at Welshot for 2025!  Today we welcome Hannah Lou Dimmock joining us at the Creative Hub in Llandudno.  Hannah is a full-time, professional model and actress specialising in fashion, commercial and beauty.  Hannah is an enthusiastic and versatile model and will give you expression, elegance, and attitude to suit a look and a wide variety of different poses. Hannah is able to able to shoot without direction but will always welcome creative input from others.  Based in Northampton, this is a rare opportunity to shoot with Hannah as she rarely visits North Wales. During this full day event, Hannah, who loves fashion and working in a studio, will be sporting a number of different looks with at least five costume/outfit changes.  This comprehensive session will take place in a studio environment using mains studio, and, outside on location using off camera flash, (if weather permits) this evening photography session will cover everything from lighting to composition while giving you lots of hints and tips, ensuring that you develop a well-rounded skill set to take home with you.

Portrait Photography – Portfolio Building Session at the Welshot Creative Hub with Hannah Lou Dimmock. “Friday Night is Studio Night” and at this Welshot portfolio building session we are excited to have Hannah Lou Dimmock joining us at the Creative Hub in Llandudno.  Hannah is a full-time, professional model and actress specialising in fashion, commercial and beauty.  Hannah is an enthusiastic and versatile model and will give you expression, elegance, and attitude to suit a look and a wide variety of different poses. Hannah is able to able to shoot without direction but will always welcome creative input from others.  Based in Northampton, this is a rare opportunity to shoot with Hannah as she rarely visits North Wales. During this session, Hannah, who loves fashion and working in a studio, will be sporting a number of different looks with at least three costume/outfit changes.  This comprehensive session will take place in a studio environment using mains studio, and, outside on location using off camera flash, (if weather permits) this evening photography session will cover everything from lighting to composition while giving you lots of hints and tips, ensuring that you develop a well-rounded skill set to take home with you.

Build Your Portfolio Day with Xenia – Portrait Photography at the Welshot Creative Hub. November sees us welcoming Xenia to the Welshot Creative Hub in Llandudno for our “Portfolio Building” full day photographic event.  Xenia is a professional, full-time model based in Sheffield and with her own photography studio – Zavod.  Xenia has extensive knowledge as a photographer and a model.  With a deep understanding of how the camera, lighting, composition and posing work together, you will, as a photographer, benefit from her modelling experience, her photographic knowledge and be in an ideal environment to create and make some stunning portraiture for your portfolio.  This comprehensive session will take place in a studio environment using mains studio lighting, and outside on location, using off camera flash, (if weather permits) with at least five costume/outfit changes this evening photography session will cover everything from lighting to composition while giving you lots of hints and tips, ensuring that you develop a well-rounded skill set to take home with you.We know Xenia loves a bit of “Punk” so you can expect some great costumes with Xenia pulling all sorts of shapes for you and your camera!

Portrait Photography – Portfolio Building Session at the Welshot Creative Hub with Xenia – “Friday Night is Studio Night” and we will be welcoming Xenia to the Welshot Creative Hub in Llandudno.  Xenia is a professional, full-time model based in Sheffield and with her own studio Zavod.  Xenia has extensive knowledge as a photographer and a model.  With a deep understanding of how the camera, lighting, composition and posing work together, you will, as a photographer, benefit from her modelling experience and photographic knowledge and be in an ideal environment to create and make some stunning portraiture for your portfolio.

This comprehensive session will take place in a studio environment using mains studio, and, outside on location using off camera flash, (if weather permits) with at least three costume/outfit changes this evening photography session will cover everything from lighting to composition while giving you lots of hints and tips, ensuring that you develop a well-rounded skill set to take home with you.