Macro & Close-Up Floral Photography- Welshot Creative Hub

Macro photography (or close-up photography) is a photographic genre that some people struggle with but at our Full Day photographic event, based in the Welshot Creative Hub in Llandudno, Team Welshot will take you through step by step of everything you need to do to create some stunning macro photography images. At this event we will be working with a wide variety of flowers, using natural, ambient and artificial light, which will ensure you will still get a day of photography regardless of the weather outside.  There will be ample opportunity for one to one tuition as well as in a small group setting where you can collaborate with others.  With a whole day of photography ahead of you, there will be plenty of time to get creative, experiment and make some stunning images which you can be proud of.

There will also be an opportunity to review your images and get some help with post processing / editing of your images if you wish.

Still-Life Image by Helen Haden Photography

Still-Life in Miniature – Close-Up Photography

Do you love still-life photography?  No room for the big studio set-ups or space to house those larger props? Then this event is going to be perfect for you!  The idea for this Welshot, Still-Life in Miniature event was born from a visit of some friends to Anglesey in North Wales – the weather was too bad for any of the nature photography they’d hoped for but they’d packed their car with all manner of props, backdrops, fabric and flowers – all of the miniature (think Dolls House) size. Once you’ve picked your props, it’s time to learn how to style and compose your photo – from using natural light to continuous photographic lighting this is the perfect indoors table top photographic project.

Walking with Your Camera – A Guided Photo Walk with Helen Iles – Bodnant Gardens – North Wales

Our first Walking with Your Camera – A Guided Photo Walk with Helen Iles for 2023 and it’s a Welshot Mini Module with Masterclass – on this photographic event which takes place in the stunning Bodnant Gardens in North Wales we are going to help you get the best from your camera. In our Welshot masterclass you will learn the photographic technique of ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) and learn how to compose your images. Walking with your camera is about being in the great outdoors and capturing the surroundings in your camera. From long exposures to abstract water compositions to macro and close-up photography, capturing the flora and fauna, this day has it all for the photographer.

Macro photography (or close-up photography) is a photographic genre that some people struggle with but at our Photographic Academy Evening, based in the Welshot Creative Hub in Llandudno, Team Welshot will take you through step by step of everything you need to do to create some stunning macro photography images. Working with ethically sourced bugs, insects and critters, flowers and man-made objects will ensure you will still get an evening of photography regardless of the weather outside.