Hashtag #WelshotIsBack…. AKA – A Welshot Photographic Reunion


Lee Iggulden



At Welshot

A blurred image (intentional camera movement) of a group of people socially distancing walking along the Llandudno Prom in North Wales. Taken on a Welshot Photographic Workshops and Events
Image Credit: Carol Bailey

Hashtag #WelshotIsBack seems a very apt way to title this very first blog written by Welshot Academy Members to celebrate being able to meet up with our cameras after months of lockdown… As life returns to a more relative sense of normality, Welshot are preparing to open up once again for photographic workshops and events in a slow and cautious manner. Hence the three ‘practice run-throughs’ – AKA… A Welshot Photographic Reunion. Since March 2020, when the pandemic hit, Welshot has continued to help motivate, inspire and support those who love photography during these isolating months, all brought together using hashtags #LearnWithWelshot and #WelshotOnline but nothing quite compares to being able to hold our photographic workshops and events in real life.

A Photographic Reunion – What our Members thought…

Victoria Smith – Sunday 9th May

Not that Welshot actually ever went away!

#WelshotOnline has kept us all on our toes with daily/weekly/monthly photographic themes consisting of 1hr challenges and the ultimate pub quiz throughout three lockdowns and with so much uncertainty the friendships across the Welshot Facebook groups and page have been consistent and constant.

But… There is nothing better than being out with your camera with like-minded photographers. A walk along the Llandudno promenade with a treasure hunt list in hand certainly blew out the cobwebs and reminded me why I joined Welshot in the first place. Help and advice, laughs and wonder of wonders chips! Join Welshot and you will soon understand the importance of chips. The promenade is wide and flat, allowing for social distancing, perfect for the first event of the year.

Photograph of a dramatic blue sky and white clouds above a shelter on the Llandudno prom in North Wales with photographic images of people working in hospitality which is part of a project.  Photo taken on a Taken on a Welshot Photographic Workshops and Events
Image Credit: Victoria Smith

I came back with aching legs, (lack of lockdown walks) and a couple of memory cards of photos. Making the most of the Zoom online post processing sessions courtesy of #LearnWithWelshot has given me a few new things to try, and this was an opportunity to put a few into practice.

Seeing events now being planned and posted is another step out into the “after you know what”. Seeing the care and thought that has gone into the planning of these, sums up Welshot, people first, photography second, chips third and the rest to follow… The Welshot photographic workshops and events schedule for the next 12 months is promising to be a good one, as a Welshot Member we get to hear about them first, event before they hit the website.

Photograph of a concession shop on the Llandudno prom in North Wales.  Taken on a Welshot Photographic Workshops and Events
Image Credit: Victoria Smith

Photographic Workshops and Events – It’s great be back!

Louisa Crossley – Sunday 16th May

I was pleased to be invited to a Welshot reunion and have some socially distanced, outdoors fun, practising my photography. Most of the group met at the church in the centre of Llandudno and there was a buzz in the air at being able to get out and meet with others again. We all had our raincoats on because the weather’s been so unpredictable recently and we speculated about whether we would get a soaking.

As we walked up the prom to meet a couple more people, it was spitting and the Great Orme in the distance was cloaked in a fine mist. Eifion had created a treasure hunt style challenge and we were all given handouts with printed images for us to find and attempt to recreate…. First the RNLI Lifeboat Station, then some railings with the Little Orme behind.

I started well, doing my best to work out where the subjects of the images were and what angle they had been taken from. However, I kept getting distracted by beautiful views and ideas for trying out the settings on my new ‘camera’, otherwise known as an iPhone! I want to use it when I’m cycling because bouncing over potholes is upsetting my Olympus camera. Therefore, I’d decided to bring it to try out portraits and long exposures and learn how to use focussing and exposure compensation.  Just one problem… I’d been out and about taking photos all day and the battery was getting low!

It wasn’t in the challenge, but there was a single boulder on the end of the slipway, with the waves washing over it so I had to try a long exposure shot. The three lines of the sky, sea and pebbled beach, were also a good subject for trying intentional camera movement. Portraits were next, learning how to change the aperture setting on the phone. I loved the contrast in colours between this rusty pipe and the sea and sky

We wandered along the prom from the Lifeboat station towards the pier, heading in various directions to find the images for the treasure hunt, and chatting, mainly about photography and the Covid restrictions… I wonder if we’ll ever get back to a time when Covid isn’t the main topic of conversation!  By now the sun was shining and we were all overheating and regretting the waterproofs! We couldn’t believe how much the weather had improved, and how wrong the forecast was. I later discovered it had been raining at home all afternoon, just 30 minutes further along the coast.

After meeting Lee by the Mad Hatter statue, we continued along the prom chatting and taking photos, until we got to the pier. Once there, we stopped for a break and something to eat and drink, grabbing a few tables together. The hot dogs and chips looked delicious, but I just ordered a coffee because my husband was cooking dinner for me later. While the others ate their meals, I decided to be brave and ask if I could recharge my phone in the hut selling doughnuts. As the young lady agreed and refused my offer to pay, I decided it would be rude not to buy a doughnut from her. It was delicious!

I’d intended to head home at 6 but I was enjoying myself so much, I texted John and asked if it was ok if I stayed longer. He hadn’t started making dinner yet, so it was fine, and I wandered up the pier, taking photos along the way, pleased that my battery was now half full and I could use my phone camera to my heart’s content. I got carried away taking shots of the pier and the seagulls.

There were dozens of seagulls waiting for unsuspecting tourists to drop food, or even give them the opportunity to take the food from their hands. Unfortunately, nobody obliged while I was watching though, and I didn’t get the chance to try an action shot as somebody’s ice cream or chips disappeared!

All too soon it was time to head home. Lee called us all together for a socially distanced group photo, then I set off back to the car. It was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon with sunshine, good company, lots of time to practise new techniques, and Eifion on hand for anyone who needed help. What more could a photographer want?

Rain Won’t Stop Welshot’s Photographic Workshops and Events!

Black and White Photo of five photographers from the Welshot Photographic Academy walking along the Llandudno pier in the wet and rain after a photo workshop
Image Credit: John Bradburn

John Bradburn – Sunday 23rd May

We all met at Trinity Square in Llandudno (home of the Welshot Photographic Academy) for a 3.00pm start to the Welshot Reunion Day; a welcome idea after a year in and out of lockdown. The weather had other ideas though throwing all the rain it had at us spitefully trying to ruin the event – but that did not defeat the Welshotters. We were a small group – Leader Eifion, and Welshotters Rod, Pippa, Mike and John and Chris (John’s wife who had been very kindly invited to the day).

Dramatic photo taken from a ow viewpoint on the Llandudno Prom,  Wildflower growing through the rocks with a dark sky with the Grand Hotel in the distance.
Image Credit: John Bradburn
Black and White Photo of Eifion Williams from the Welshot Photographic Academy pointing out some of the landmarks from the Llandudno Pier in North Wales
Image Credit: John Bradburn

After a warm and reviving brew with introductions to each other, interesting discussions on photographic techniques and ideas the group ventured out into the elements. Our route started from the iconic Mad Hatter, along the promenade, up and down the pier and culminating in a short climb up to the Camera Obscura on the flanks of the Great Orme. This awarded fabulous panoramic views enhanced by the effects of the rain and moody lighting.

Black and White Photo taken from the Great Orme in Llandudno looking towards Mostyn Street and Conwy Mountain in North Wales
Image Credit: John Bradburn

There was a warm and friendly amicability amongst the group with each member recounting interesting photographic experiences and adventures and taking a variety of photographs: black and white; street photography; landscapes and seascapes and with much experimentation. What a perfect place Llandudno is for inspiration. Eifion kept us all informed on the local history and landmarks of the town and monitored and helped Welshotters throughout the day. At the end of the pier, we all indulged in a steaming hot brew in the café and enthusiasm and spirits were as high as ever as our cheeks glowed in the warmth and water dripped from our waterproofs.

Black and White Photo of four photographers (blurred) being captured moving while walking along the Llandudno Pier in North Wales
Image Credit: John Bradburn

This was a day to batten down the hatches but thanks to Welshot we all got out to explore the opportunities around practice photography and meet other folk. It was a positive experience where you enjoy yourself so much you forget how much you are learning and at the end of the day you feel euphoric. Then, the icing on the cake is reliving the day through all your photographs and looking at everyone else’s.

Black and White Photo of Seagull looking at itself in the morrow of a rubbish bin on the Llandudno Prom in North Wales
Image Credit: John Bradburn

So, that was the our, let’s see if we can get our Welshot Photographic Workshops and Events back up and running tester sessions – We do hope we will see YOU soon at one of our in real life events, we’d love to help you get the best out of your camera…

Let us know in the comments below what you think about Victoria’s, John’s and Louisa’s day out.

  1. Lynne Grebenik avatar
    Lynne Grebenik

    Really great to see people together again. Wish I could have been there! Unfortunately I had a massive migraine on the day I was invited to go. Maybe another time! You all looked to be having fun, even those in the rain! Fab to be able to get out and about again, and hope to see you soon!

    1. Lee Iggulden avatar

      Hello Lynne. We wish you could have been with us too but do hope you are now feeling better. Lots of adventures are happening at Welshot so we are sure there will soon be an opportunity to catch up with you then. Take care x

  2. Liz Kenny avatar
    Liz Kenny

    Great accounts and some fabulous photos. I went on the same day as Louise, and I think we were probably the luckiest with the weather. I can’t say I would have enjoyed the final rainy day so much, though John’s photo of the gull checking out its reflection is a classic.

    1. Lee Iggulden avatar

      Hey Liz. Yes, your day was the better of all three – but the last day did clear and gave some wonderful opportunities for photography. I love that seagull of John’s, he looks like he’s a real poser lol. So glad you could make reunion Liz, Take care x

  3. Carol Bailey avatar

    Wow. What a difference a week makes. We were lucky to see the glorious sunshine in the middle week, but the rain reflections and angry skies made for dramatic Photographs.

    1. Lee Iggulden avatar

      Hey Carol – The weather was SO unpredictable in May and it was just so hard to know what to do. Thank you for coming along for the day, it was lovely to see you and we reckon your photo, which we have used for the featured image is a cracker. Take care x

  4. Fran Lewis avatar
    Fran Lewis

    It sounds like a fantastic time was had by all evident by the fabulous photos that were taken. I was really looking forward to meeting with members of Welshot but unfortunately my day was on the last date and I was feeling just as bad as the weather that day due to me having my 2nd Jab. Hopefully there will be another chance for me to meet you all and get some photographic experiences 🤞

    1. Lee Iggulden avatar

      Hello Fran. You absolutely made the right decision and we will make sure you have LOTS of chances to meet us all. We still need to organise your One to One and bring that Mr. John Bradburn down too. Take care and see you soon x

  5. John Evans avatar
    John Evans

    Three great write-ups, different weather, different groups, but all had a great time and that comes across strongly in the blog, along with some great images 👍

    1. Lee Iggulden avatar

      Hey John. Thank You for your comment. It never fails to amaze us here at Welshot just how different the same event can be and the different take on images that are made. It is brilliant and inspiring and I always learn something. Take care. x

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