Welshot Community Rules

Welshot provides its members with enjoyable and fun learning experiences in a controlled and safe environment that is respectful to others and its surroundings. Our community members (including staff, agents, contractors, models and third parties) will follow these rules. Welshot may refuse or revoke membership for breach or suspected breach of these Rules.

Our Reputation

We expect everyone in our community to ensure their actions reflect positively upon them and the community; and avoid anything that might bring the community’s reputation into question or disrepute. Members must follow these Rules and the spirit of these Rules, as well as any laws and regulations affecting the photographic industry.

Our Community

Our community members are entitled to be treated with dignity, respect, integrity and courtesy including when they are behind the camera. We expect everyone in our community to:

  • Avoid discriminating on the grounds of age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religion or political affiliation or acting for their own personal or financial benefit.
  • Ensure their dealings with others exemplify and actively foster an environment of mutual trust and respect.
  • Avoid engaging in sexual harassment or any behaviour which may be interpreted as demeaning or as an unwanted sexual advance.
  • Respect other people’s property and possessions.
  • Treat others courteously for example ask permission before joining others already photographing in an area; respect the principal photographer for a model,
  • Avoid posting on platforms which breach the platform rules, including respecting copyright, avoiding political content, never posting any materials which may be defamatory or seen as adult-themed.

Our Environment – Preserving Natural Habitats

Our community includes our environment, and we want to protect and not harm nature and wildlife subjects and specific locations. We expect everyone in our community to:

  • Consider the safety and well-being of their subjects above the importance of capturing their images. Members should understand the behaviours of any wildlife and ecosystems.
  • Comply with all laws and regulations applicable to their location, including signs and notices from relevant authorities.
  • View wildlife from a safe and respectful distance. You should learn key patterns of animal behaviour and know when not to interfere with an animal’s lifecycles. First study the species you want to photograph – particularly with regard to habitat and signs of stress. If there is any sign of stress, or the animal interrupts its behaviour (resting, feeding) then move further away.
  • Avoid getting in the space between a parent and its offspring.
  • Learn to recognise wildlife alarm signals and the fragility of the ecosystem – wherever possible stay on trails that are intended to lessen impact. All litter should be taken home for disposal/recycling.

We expect everyone in our community to:

  • Never forget that most animals are NOT tame no matter how docile or domesticated they may appear.
  • Never crowd, pursue, prevent escape, startle, throw objects at, seek to provoke a response, or make deliberate noises to distract, startle or harass wildlife.
  • Never feed or leave food (baiting) for wildlife. Habituation can result in disease or even death of that animal, and injury to humans.
  • Never interfere with animals engaged in breeding, nesting, or caring for young.
  • Never encroach on or disturb nests, burrows or dens as certain species may abandon their young if this occurs.
  • Never deliberately damage or remove any plant, life form, or natural object.