
Getting To Know Your Model – Introducing Darcie Binsley


Lee Iggulden



At Welshot

Knowing your model is an important part of your photo-shoot!

Making great images that have that WOW factor can really only be achieved if you have a great rapport with your Model, and an understanding of how he, or she works best. This genre of photography is a collaborative process, and building a relationship with your Model fosters a positive working environment. Collaboration can lead to better ideas, improved creativity, and a more enjoyable experience for both the photographer and the model.

By establishing trust you will build the rapport needed to create a sense of trust and comfort. This is crucial for capturing natural and authentic expressions, as a relaxed and comfortable model is more likely to open up in front of the camera.

At Welshot, we do the hard work for you – We get to know our Models first, before we introduce them to you, the photographer. We make sure the Models we bring to Welshot are going to be the right fit – for them, for us, for you!

This is a new blog series where we introduce you to the Models we will be bringing to our new range of photographic events for those photographers who are wanting to take photos for camera club competitions, serious about their own personal continued professional development and building a photographic portfolio.

Introducing Darcie Binsley

Darcie Binsley by Eifion Williams

Darcie has been modelling for just over two years in total and she is so grateful to have been modelling full time for just over one year and to call this her job! Darcie loves meeting new people and getting creative with outfits and concepts and has worked on many different assignments and shoots – from catwalk, commercial, and TV, to fashion and bridal- plus loads more exciting things.

Darcie says she loves that every job and assignment is different!

Every shoot and style is different to the next with each photographer working differently to achieve their vision which makes it super exciting. Darcie would love to continue her career in modelling for some years to come and particularly focus on commercial, TV and film work. 

Darcie also has horses which she loves to ride and compete in show jumping (when she get time between shoots!) It is her downtime and she loves to relax in the peaceful surroundings of the stable yard. 


We asked Darcie:

How did you get started in your modelling career?

I have always been very creative. I loved art, dance and drama and English at school. This coincided with textiles too as I love fashion- creating outfits and finding unique garments.

Usually hugely overdressing to any casual occasion! Anything unique, interesting, eye-catching and different! I had participated in a few photo shoots with friends but only for fun.

It wasn’t until a good family friend and wedding photographer asked for my help in a collaborative bridal styled shoot! I jumped at the opportunity as I knew how much I enjoyed the previous shoots. It was that day and with Marie’s help, I knew that modelling was something I wanted to peruse and try!

I did not expect a year later to be so busy and even full time! I am so grateful for, not only our friend and all of her belief and support, but for all of the work, opportunities and love I have had from so many amazing family, friends and photographers to get me to where I am today.

I absolutely could not have done it without them. 

Your career so far – How long have you been modelling full-time, professionally?  Any other jobs within the industry?

So in my first year of modelling, I was part time. Booking shoots in and around my full time job at a friend’s cafe as well as being a University studying Creative and Professional Writing.

As I got busier with shoots, I found it hard to get them booked in with so much else going on! So I decided to take a little plunge and go part time at the café. This allowed me to have some more free time for shoots! This worked well for a few months- balancing the two.

However, I amazingly got busier again and took the ultimate plunge to leave my job and go full time March 2023! I am so glad I did this.

Although daunting at first, I am absolutely loving being self employed and full time, travelling around the country and meeting so many different people!

I love the freedom

What do you think your greatest achievement has been so far?

Going full time after one year of part time is something I am super proud of- and grateful for! For all of the work and time I put into this too. 

I recently landed a job for a TV commercial for Samsung which I was so proud and excited about.  

Another personal achievement of mine is that I have persevered with my young horse who has been tricky and cheeky (to be polite) and after almost two years, we are starting to get somewhere with our show jumping! These things do take time with young horses but he hasn’t made life easy either! 

If you could say just one thing to a photographer, what would you say?

Let’s make some magic!! 

On location (outside) or studio?

I love both location and studio shoots- you obviously can get two very different styles and looks from both. But if I had to pick one, I would say studio. It’s easier to change outfits, you can bring much more with you so you’re not lugging it around on location, it’s warmer!! I get cold very easily and feel like I don’t do my best work once I’m cold. Plus I can usually put one of my playlists on in a studio to get the creative juices flowing. 

Having said this, I do genuinely enjoy a location shoot if the outfit or weather is right. You can get some really epic stuff out on location in cities or out in the sticks. 

Favourite snack?

I love a Jaffa cake. Partial to a lotus biscuit too! Raspberries, blueberries and bananas. You can’t really go wrong to be honest! 

What would your dream shoot look like?

Oooo VOGUE is a dream of mine! The high-fashion epic-ness of vogue definitely has to be a dream of mine. 

Funky outfits, funkier poses and a great team who share the same vision. Lots of music and snacks too of course. 

Big voluminous hair, photographed in Italy on a sun lounger!

If you could give one bit of advice to a dancer/model just starting out what would it be?

Work hard, take every opportunity you can, put yourself out there, believe in yourself, be brave, don’t care what others think and have fun!

Also be safe. I know that’s more than one but…

Sweet or savoury?


I love chocolate so much, it’s an addiction!

Six people you’d love to have around the dinner table (past, present or future) and if possible, why?

Florence Welch– iconic. Her styling, voice and persona is a dream. 

Helmut Newton– legend. Also to discuss our next shoot..

Lana Del Rey– again, iconic. Styling and vibe. I want to be her best friend also!! 

Bowie– love his music and style. Iconic outfits and looks. He could give me some outfit advice and maybe loan me some? 

Nick Cave– legend. We could write lyrics and poetry together. 

Vivienne Westwood– such an iconic designer. Quirky, cool and sassy character- would love to discuss next season’s pieces. 

Annie Leibovitz or Mario Testino?

This is tricky as I admire both of their work so much! But Mario just does it for me- the pop of colours, the stories and expressions. 

Back of the camera images, Yes or No?  (Do you like to be shown them?)


I love to see what we’re creating and it also helps to see which poses are working well and what to try again etc. 

Video or Still’s?

Both are great in lots of ways!

But still’s tell stories with imagination- more enticing and deep, allows you to make your own story.  

Links for Darcie Binsley:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darcie_louise_model/

Purple Port: https://purpleport.com/portfolio/darciebinsley/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/darcie.binsley.1

Email Address: DarcieLbinsley@gmail.com

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