Welshot 4 Kids Club – Coming Soon!

We will soon be announcing our next Welshot 4 Kids – Photographic Challenge as well as detail for our new Welshot 4 Kids Club which will be designed to keep your little person entertained, creative and inspired for hours – with videos they can watch in their own time or activities to join in online.

Sign up below to hear all about it when we launch!

What is the Welshot 4 Kids Photographic Challenge?

At the beginning of 2021 we ran a 14-day Photographic Challenge for Kids between the ages of 5 and 15 years of age

Each day an email popped into a grown-up’s inbox with a daily challenge – sometimes we had a video too – you can see those below:

Then, over the course of the day kids all over the UK got creative with the camera, phone, tablet, or iPad and when they had taken their photo, they could either get their grown-up (if under 13) to upload it to a private group on Facebook or email it to us here at Welshot. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we had a Zoom session where everyone had a chance to talk about their photography and ask questions to get some help, ideas, and motivation. Some kids came on camera, some chose to have the video function turned off and that was totally fine. We loved it, the kids loved it and it was unanimous – they want us to keep going. Just this time it will be in the school holidays and not in term time!